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Am I an author now?

5 months ago by Linda

A few months ago, I was asked by the Swedish Dog Breeders’ Association if I wanted to write an article about how I think about breeding. I thought about it for a long time before I answered yes. Their editor did a great job with the text and pictures I submitted and I think the article turned out very well. So, the question is whether I can call myself a author now, or maybe a writer? 🙂 It’s kind of funny, considering that I never in my wildest imagination could have believed this just 2 years ago. But I realize that we are in the middle of a revolution regarding breeding, new ways of thinking and new technology give us new conditions, but also a lot of challenges. I am very happy and proud that I got to write for that association and I am cautiously hopeful for the future. I would like to take the opportunity to say a thank you to all the breeders who are part of the “inmönstringsgrupp” that I created a few years ago. Being able to discuss, think and let your thoughts be free in a group that now consists of over 600 people interested in breeding is incredibly rewarding! I learn so much from all of you! And last but not least, I would once again like to say a thank you to SKK’s breeding committee for the work you guys are doing. You are enormously brave to go ahead and show the rest of the kennel world that change is necessary. I’m not entirely sure that you actually get the appreciation that you deserve, but I hope that you know that there are many of us who regards your work with an incredible value.  

If you want to read the article (translated version with text only), you can follow this link: Article Swedish Breeding Association

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